Cosmetic Injectables

For professional cosmetic treatments within Central Queensland, think Absolute Health & Skin Clinic. Whether it be to reduce the signs of ageing, to treat a particular skin concern, or to simply take a little time out for yourself, the team at Absolute Health & Skin have got you covered.

Absolute Health & Skin Clinic provides a complimentary cosmetic consultation to all clients starting on their skin journey. During the consultation, we will review your skin and discuss your concerns and goals. From here we can recommend a personalised treatment program and/or skincare routine that will be clinically effective for you.

Our cosmetic injectable services are carried out in a modern, well-equipped medical clinic by experienced and qualified cosmetic Doctors and Nurses. Cosmetic injectables may be combined with other skincare prodcucts, facial treatments and procedures to enhance results.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injection (Botulinum purified protein complex) treatments are designed to reduce facial expression lines. When anti-wrinkle injections are injected into the facial muscles responsible for movement, the lines that are wrinkles directly associated with this muscle movement are softened or diminished by the temporary weakening of the muscle. This works best for “dynamic” lines and wrinkles, and is less effective for fine textural changes on the skin surfaces and for those lines present at rest or “static” lines.

An anti-wrinkle injection blocks signals from the nerves to the muscle so the muscle can temporarily no longer contract. This causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. It is most often used on forehead lines, crows feet (lines around the eyes) and frown lines between the eyebrows.


Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Anti-Wrinkle Injections


The treatment is designed to last about 12 to 16 weeks, and sometimes longer. As the muscle action gradually returns, lines and wrinkles will slowly begin to reappear and will need to be re-treated for longer lasting results. With regular treatments, lines and wrinkles will appear less prominent over time as the muscles aren't able to continuously contract.

The cost is based on the amount of units required which varies between clients. Product B is $15.00* per unit and Product D is $4.00* per unit (however you will need more units to gain the same results with Product D). During your consult prior to booking, our Cosmetic Coordinator and Cosmetic Doctor/Nurse injector will discuss pricing suited to your requirements. An average amount of units per treatment area has been worked out below:

Frown Lines
Product B:   20-24 units
Product D:   40-60 units

Forehead Lines
Product B:   7-14 units
Product D:   30-50 units

Crows Feet
Product B:   12-24 units
Product D:   30-60 units

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

Dermal Filler

A dermal filler is an injection treatment designed to replace lost volume or to increase existing volume. We use a premium filler which is a sterile, colourless gel consisting of a non-animal stabilised Hyaluronic acid derived from bacteria. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide found naturally in all living organisms and has the same chemical structure in all species and tissues. In the skin, Hyaluronic acid binds water to add volume and pliability. As we age, our skin's ability to produce Hyaluronic acid decreases. Dermal fillers are injected into the skin to create volume, thereby smoothing wrinkles and providing a fuller shape.


Dermal Filler
Dermal Filler


Dermal filler treatments are temporary, meaning maintenance requires consistent treatment. Depending on the type of filler and area to be treated, they can last from 6 months to 2 years.

The cost is based on the amount of filler required to achieve desired results which varies between clients. During your consultation, our Cosmetic Doctor/Nurse will determine your best course of treatment.

Lip Filler - $520 per 1ml

Facial Filler - $590 per 1ml

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

Sculptra® Aesthetic

Sculptra® is a sterile suspension of Poly-L-Lactic acid, which is biocompatible (does not harm the body), biodegradable (broken down or metabolised by the body), and a synthetic polymer from the alpha-hydroxy acid family (AHA/fruit acids). Poly-L-Lactic acid has been used medically for many years in dissolvable stitches and does not require pre-treatment skin testing for allergies. Sculptra® requires injections into the skin to help correct skin depressions such as creases, wrinkles, folds, scars, hollow eye rings, skin aging, and facial lipo-atrophy (loss of fat).

*Individual results and treatment sessions may vary. The clinical trial ended at 25 months. The safety and effectiveness of Sculptra® Aesthetic have not been evaluated in areas other than nasolabial folds in clinical trials.




Sculptra® may last up to 2 years depending on the area and condition to be treated, the volume of Sculptra® used, and the injections. In some cases, the duration of the effect can be shorter or longer. Treatment will require multiple sessions, usually 3-6 sessions for optimal correction. Because the individual response to Sculptra® may vary, we cannot predict the exact number of treatment sessions required. To maintain results, you may need touch-up treatments.

The total cost is based on the number of treatments required to achieve desired results which varies between clients. During your consultation, our cosmetic doctor will determine your best course of treatment.

1 vial of Sculptra® = $800

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

PRP Injections

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injection treatment involves the collection of your blood (approximately 11mls in a Cellenis® PRP tube) and then your blood is spun down using a centrifuge to separate out the PRP portion using the ‘separator gel’ as a special filter. The PRP portion of your blood is then injected back into your skin to stimulate new collagen production, re-energise your cells into rejuvenating themselves and promote hair growth. The product is 100% your own blood by-product (autologous).


PRP Injections
PRP Injections


Each client has individual requirements and treatment results will vary from one person to another.

For optimal results, we recommend a series of 3 to 6 treatments, between 4 to 12 weeks apart (depending on treatment area and Doctor's recommendations). Maintenance treatments will be required to maintain results.

1 x Cellenis® PRP Tube = $350

2 x Cellenis® PRP Tubes = $500

3 x Cellenis® PRP Tubes = $700

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

Belkyra® Fat-Dissolving Treatment

Belkyra® is a fat-dissolving treatment for under the chin. The product is injected below the chin and destroys fat cells permanently, resulting in a more defined jawline and neck profile.




The number of treatments required varies from patient to patient, depending on the size of the treatment area.

We recommend a minimum of 2 to 3 treatments and a maximum of 6. These treatments should be spaced out 6 to 8 weeks apart for best results.

During your initial consultation, your doctor will determine the number of treatments you may require. Each treatment requires 2 vials of Belkyra®. You will begin to notice results around 6 to 8 week post treatment.

1 treatment requires 2 vials - $1200 

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.