Regular skin cancer checks are an important aspect of maintaining overall good health. Benefit from the latest diagnostic technology and skin treatments at Absolute Health & Skin Clinic in Norman Gardens. The skin cancer doctors in clinic can closely monitor any areas of concern and suggest the most appropriate treatment option for your individual needs. To schedule an appointment for a skin consult, please call the clinic today.

Skin Checks
Skin Cancer Consultation
Skin Cancer Treatments
Skin Cancer Treatments
Photodynamic Therapy
Photodynamic Therapy
Total Body Photography
Total Body Photography

Skin Cancer Treatments

Early detection and treatment of skin cancers will result in a cure in the majority of cases.

Your treatment options will depend on:

  • The type, depth, and size of the skin cancer 
  • Where it is situated
  • Whether it has spread to other parts of the body

The skin cancer doctors in clinic will discuss the best options for treatment based on your requirements.


Certain ointments stimulate the body’s immune system to attack and destroy precancerous lesions or small superficial skin cancer. 

Liquid nitrogen is sprayed onto the lesion to freeze it between -20ºC to -40ºC, to the point where the tissue dies. Cryosurgery is generally limited to smaller tumors and pre-cancerous lesions.

This technique involves cutting out the skin cancer and can be used for many BCCs, SCCs, and melanomas. This procedure may produce a more cosmetically acceptable linear scar when compared to the flat scar and loss of pigment (Hypopigmentation) resulting from curette and cautery. Surgical excision also has a cure rate of over 90%.

What is Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)?

Photodynamic Therapy or PDT is the latest non-invasive technology being used by doctors worldwide to treat precancerous lesions and sun-damaged skin.

At Absolute Health & Skin Clinic, we offer a couple of methods of PDT to suit the individual's sun damage and concerns.

Firstly, we prepare the skin by either using a dermal roller (skin needling) or a CO2 fractional laser, which both penetrate channels into the skin for faster absorption and also boosts the skin's natural healing process to promote more collagen and elastin production.

After we have prepared the skin, we apply a photosensitising agent which penetrates down through the channels in the skin and is absorbed by the abnormal cells. Once this has been done, the treated skin needs to be exposed to and activated by a light source. We use either UV (natural, filtered sunlight) or an LED device in the clinic.

This entire process causes a photochemical reaction that destroys metabolically active abnormal cells and leaves the normal cells relatively untouched.

PDT has many benefits which help improve the overall health, look and feel of your skin.

PDT can assist in avoiding surgical procedures to remove skin cancers later down the track by removing the precancerous lesions now. It can also provide some great cosmetic results for sun-damaged skin, acne, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. PDT is a great treatment option for patients who require a larger field area to be treated such as the face, scalp, decolletage, arms, and backs of hands. It is also an ideal solution for patients who have had bad reactions to other topical treatments, such as Efudix.

Post-treatment your skin needs to be looked after and protected from the harsh UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Your doctor and laser skin therapist will give recommendations on how to improve and properly maintain your skin's overall health long-term.

If you have had a lot of unprotected sun exposure from a young age or spent a lot of time in the sun with sports, hobbies, work, etc. then you will start to see sun damage appear on your skin as the years go by.

PDT provides rejuvenation of the skin and the treatment can be customised to your individual needs. It can be repeated if necessary and does not prevent you from undergoing any other cosmetic, medical or surgical procedures in the future. PDT is a great preventative and maintenance treatment to lower your risk of developing skin cancer.

Patients must see a doctor for a skin check before considering a PDT treatment. Treatment can be performed after clearance from a skin doctor at Absolute Health & Skin Clinic and is suitable for most people. If PDT is recommended to you, you will need to book in for a complimentary consultation with our PDT & Laser Skin Therapist who will discuss the treatment in detail and provide you with all the necessary treatment information.


After treatment, you will be sensitive to light for 24 - 48 hours. It is important during this time that your exposure to the sun is minimal and it is best to stay indoors.

Skin Response

Skin response will vary with treatment parameters and each individual's skin condition and skin type. This visible healing process usually finishes between 7 to 14 days post-treatment. Cell regeneration and turnover will take up to 3 months post-treatment.

Days 1 - 3

Redness and swelling are to be expected, like a bad sunburn. Extreme sensitivity to light, so keep indoors and out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

Days 3 - 7

Swelling will subside. The treated area will be red, tender, and sometimes itchy. Your skin will peel, scab, or flake off.

Days 7 - 14

Peeling will be finished. Redness will diminish. The skin may still feel itchy, tight, and uncomfortable which is a normal part of the healing process. Depending on the treatment area and if the patient is using correct sun protection, the skin will be back to its normal skin tone within 2-3 weeks.

Skin Cancer Consultation

When you arrive at the clinic you will be asked to complete a new patient form and a consent form. Please bring your Medicare and Health Care cards, a list of your current medications, as well as your local GP details to help complete your forms. The Skin cancer doctors begins his examination with an assessment of your risk profile and your medical history.

You will be asked about:

  • Any lesion concerning you
  • Your personal and family history of Skin Cancer
  • Current medications
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Prior surgery
  • Allergies
  • Occupation
  • Your past and current sun exposure
  • Any other factors that may be relevant

Total Body Photography

  • Full body mole scan accompanied by skin
    check with an accredited skin cancer
  • Lesion evaluation using several checklists
    to detect skin cancers
  • Recommended by key worldwide skin
    cancer specialists
  • Time saving, AI technology based, cost
    effi cient full body skin check
  • Unique PASIscan imaging system for skin,
    hair and nail condit
  • State of the art photography - super high
    resolution images with PolFlash XE - 50MP
    camera with xenon flash

Fee Structure

Skin Cancer Consultations are charged out as follows:


Consultation Type Cost Medicare Rebate Out-Of-Pocket
Full Skin Check $160.00 $80.10 $79.80
Total cost of $380 will apply for total body photography/mole mapping including skin check by skin cancer doctor


Please Note: Regardless of whether regular screening is being performed or not, if you detect a changing or newly developing skin lesion or if you become concerned about any particular skin lesion, ensure that you have it checked by your doctor ASAP.