Laser Treatments

For professional cosmetic treatments within Central Queensland, think Absolute Health & Skin Clinic. Whether it be to reduce the signs of ageing, to treat a particular skin concern, or to simply take a little time out for yourself, the team at Absolute Health & Skin have got you covered.

Absolute Health & Skin Clinic provides a complimentary cosmetic consultation to all clients starting on their skin journey. During the consultation, we will review your skin and discuss your concerns and goals. From here we can recommend a personalised treatment program and/or skincare routine that will be clinically effective for you.

Our laser treatments are carried out in a modern, well-equipped medical clinic by experienced and QLD Radiation Health Licensed laser technicians and Doctors.

The total number of treatments to lighten or remove a tattoo varies with each individual as there are many factors to consider. This can include the age of the tattoo, if it was professionally done or not, the components of the ink used, the location on the body and the client's general health, etc.

Generally, amateur tattoos are more easily removed than professionally done tattoos. PLEASE REMEMBER: The tattoo will gradually fade over the weeks after each treatment. Full removal can take up to a couple of years with regular treatments for some individuals.

Is it possible to fully remove a tattoo? In many cases, the answer is yes. However, it is more common to achieve significant fading and partial removal. It is important to appreciate that worldwide, there are over 100 substances used in tattoo inks today. Some compounds do not respond to laser treatment at all. This is more common with green and blue inks. Blues and greens are traditionally more difficult to remove and we generally advise that treatment is unlikely to remove these colours fully.

Laser tattoo removal is a specialised skill that requires advanced training and qualifications. At Absolute Health and Skin, laser tattoo removal treatments are only performed by experienced, fully licensed laser technicians who hold a Laser Licence and are registered with QLD Radiation Health. All treatments are carried out in our well-equipqed medical clinic.

A complimentary cosmetic consultation is mandatory before commencing any laser treatments. Our laser skin therapist will discuss your concerns along with medical history to decide if you are a suitable candidate for treatment.

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective cosmetic treatment. As the laser only targets the ink pigments in the tattoo, the surrounding skin surface remains largely unaltered. Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser is suitale for most Fitzpatrick skin types. Laser tattoo removal is not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Laser tattoo removal can be quite painful for some clients. To promote comfort during the procedure, a topical numbing cream may be applied to the tattoo 30 minutes before treatment (at the client's request). Some clients prefer to purchase a topical numbing cream from the pharmacy and apply it themselves 30 to 60 minutes before coming into the clinic.

The duration of the treatment varies depending on the size of the tattoo and the client's pain tolerance. It is generally a brief treatment, and requires significantly less time to laser the tattoo than getting the tattoo done initally.

Immediately following the procedure, the treated tattoo and the surrounding skin may experience swelling, redness, a hot sunburn sensation, bruising and sometimes blistering. However, most of these symptoms will subside within approximately 48 to 72 hours.

After any laser treatment, the treatment area is very sensitive to the sun and heat. It is important to protect the treated tattoo by using sunscreen and protective clothing. It is important to follow the post care advice that your laser technician provides you with.

Whilst scarring is rare with the Q-Switched laser, changes in the skin texture and colour may occur. These changes are usually not permanent and the skin generally reverts to its natural tone within 6 months. If any scarring is present, this is generally from the tattoo being performed in the first place causing deeper damage to the skin.

A quote will be given during your consultation as the cost per treatment is individual and will depend on the size of the tattoo/number of tattoos.

Treatment prices start from $100 per session.

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

IPL uses various wavelengths of light energy pulses which is absorbed by the target tissue (pigment or blood vessels) within the skin. This heats the treatment area of skin which stimulates the body's natural desquamation process to eliminate the unwanted, damaged cells. Hyperpigmentation can result in micro-crusting over the first few days post-treatment, which naturally exfoliates off the skin in 7 to 14 days. At the same time, collagen and elastic fibers are stimulated, which results in a visible improvement of your skin’s texture and overall appearance.

We recommend a course of 2 to 4 regular treatments initially, and then maintenance treatments as required.

For hyperpigmentation, we recommend treatments to be 4 to 6 weeks apart, and for vascular concerns we recommend treatments to be 2 to 3 weeks apart.

These treatments and technologies have been developed by laser medical experts, and all treatments are FDA-approved and clinically proven to provide effective results. Unfortunately, IPL isn't regulated in Australia and anyone can purchase and use an IPL device, which is quite dangerous if they haven't undergone the correct training. This can result in a high risk of burns and scarring due to incorrect settings and lack of knowledge and skill. Our treatments are provided by laser skin therapists who have undergone extensive laser safety training and hold a laser licence with Queensland Radiation Health.

A complimentary cosmetic consultation is mandatory before commencing any laser treatments. Our laser skin therapist will discuss your concerns along with medical history to decide if you are a suitable candidate for treatment.

IPL is a safe and effective treatment for Fitzpatrick skin types I, II and III. It is not recommended for Fitzpatrick skin types IV, V and VI, nor for pregnant women.

What should I expect during my treatment?
Depending on the treatment area or areas, treatment can take anywhere from 5 to 60 minutes. You will experience heat or a sunburn like sensation, and as the light is applied to your skin it can feel like the snap of a rubber band. There is some discomfort involved to achieve optimum results but clients tolerate this quite well.

What should I expect after my treatment?
There is minimal downtime required for IPL, but for up to 24 hours post-treatment your skin may feel hot like sunburn, flushed and appear red. Speckles of darkening pigment can also become apparent and get worse within the first few days following treatment, and last for up to 7 to 14 days. Sometimes patients experience very mild swelling, depending on their skin type, sensitivity and how much sun damage they have.

Face - $220

Face & Neck - $330

Face & Decolletage - $330

Face, Neck & Decolletage - $440

Neck - $180

Decolletage - $200

Neck & Decolletage - $300

Half Arms & Hands - $280

Full Arms & Hands - $310

Backs of Hands - $80

Shoulders/Upper Back - $300

Spot Treatment - prices start from $60

Test Shot - $20 (redeemable off full treatment)

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser uses two specific wavelengths of light which is tailored to the lesions being treated. The hyperpigmentation absorbs the light energy within the skin. This heats the treatment area of skin which stimulates the body's natural desquamation process to eliminate the unwanted, damaged cells. Hyperpigmentation usually appears darker and with a reddish tone over the first few days post-treatment, which naturally exfoliates off the skin in 7 to 14 days.

For effective treatment of hyperpigmentation/age spots, we recommend 2 to 4 treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

For effective treatment of Melasma, we recommend a minimum of 10 treatments, spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart.

Our laser treatments are provided by laser skin therapists who have undergone extensive laser safety training and hold a laser licence with Queensland Radiation Health.

A complimentary cosmetic consultation is mandatory before commencing any laser treatments. Our laser skin therapist will discuss your concerns along with medical history to decide if you are a suitable candidate for treatment.

Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser is a safe and effective treatment for most Fitzpatrick skin types. It is not recommended for pregnant women.

What should I expect during my treatment?
Depending on the treatment area or areas, treatment can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. You will experience heat or a sunburn like sensation, and as the light is applied to your skin it can feel like the snap of a rubber band. There is some discomfort involved to achieve optimum results but clients tolerate this quite well.

What should I expect after my treatment?
There is no downtime required for Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser, but for up to 24 hours post-treatment your skin may feel hot like sunburn, flushed and appear red. Speckles of darkening pigment and redness of the lesions can also become apparent and get worse within the first few days following treatment, and last for up to 7 to 14 days. Sometimes patients experience very mild swelling, depending on their skin type, sensitivity and how much sun damage they have.

Spot Treatment - prices start from $60

Melasma Full Face (1 Treatment) - $150

Melasma Full Face (5 Treatments Pack) - $600

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment works by using laser energy to penetrate thousands of micro-channels into the epidermis and/or dermis. This treatment only fractionally ablates the skin, leaving a percentage of the skin untouched. This stimulates the wound healing process which results in an increased production of collagen and elastin fibres, and new skin cells being formed which speeds up the skin's natural desquamation process. This procedure results in smoother skin texture, and a visible improvement of sun damage, fine lines and acne scarring.

We recommend 2 to 3 treatments spaced 3 months apart for clients who desire maximum results, especially for improving fine lines and wrinkles.

Acne scarring requires a minimum of 3 to 6 treatments for best scar reduction. 

To ensure you are a suitable candidate, it is necessary to have a consultation before any laser treatment. During your consultation, our laser skin therapist and/or skin doctor will examine your skin and review your skin concerns and medical/cosmetic history.

Our laser treatments are provided by laser skin therapists who have undergone extensive laser safety training and hold a laser licence with Queensland Radiation Health.

Fractional CO2 Laser is a safe and effective treatment for Fitzpatrick skin types I, II and III. It is not recommended for pregnant women.

What should I expect during my treatment?
Treatment of the face can take 45 to 60 minutes. You will experience heat or a sunburn like sensation, and as the light energy penetrates your skin it can feel like a prickling or zapping sensation. Despite applying a topical numb cream prior to treatment, there is some discomfort involved to achieve optimum results.

What should I expect after my treatment?

There is approximately 10 to 14 days of downtime for Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing.
For the first few days post-treatment, your skin may feel hot like sunburn, flushed and appear red. Your skin will also develop fine, tiny dot-like scabs which will naturally come off the skin within 10 to 14 days. After the scabs come off, the fresh skin will appear pink, which will subside over 2 to 3 weeks post-treatment with the correct skincare products and sun protection being applied.

Face (Cosmetic) - $1000 - $1500

Face (Acne Scarring) - $600

*Prices current at 1 January 2023.